This blog is now yet another Bootstrap 4-based site. I can’t resist the awesomeness that is Bootstrap 4 on any of my sites lately, and while it’s aesthetically quite similar to what it was before, this site is basically just a tiny bit worse now, since it has to load much more CSS to give what is nearly the same layout and overall look that it had before. Neat.

Why would I do this?

Performance-wise, it makes nearly no difference. Only the components I’m actually using in Bootstrap are included, and the core styles gained by relying on Bootstrap mostly just ensure a better experience in browsers I don’t use as often. This also means a switch back to using Flexbox instead of Grid for the layouts, which gains a lot of backwards compatibility. The site doesn’t look as unique as it used to in it’s current form, but I could rely on the Bootstrap Grid to bring back the previous site layout without the need of CSS grid (which I’m increasingly finding to be more trouble than it’s worth in its current state).

More than anything, I made the change for consistency between my projects. Since everything I’m working on right now is built on Bootstrap 4, it’s nice to be able to use the same helper classes and variables without having to remember which project I’m on. That’s really what Bootstrap has become for me, a way to have consistent standards between projects. And it’s awesome.